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Play the game in any way you want, with or without reading my guide, but please use it to at least avoid major pitfalls. If you have questions, corrections, or anything else to say about this guide please email me so I can answer your questions. ##The Ultimania Omega is the latest version of the original Playstation game's manual. ## When encountering a character in the game, press A to display their profile. The HP is largely unchanged from the original (except for Yellow, who now has 99). Blue and Red go up one level with each hit, while Green and Purple go up by 2 levels each. There were no changes to this system in Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII- (in which all characters had a base of 50 and were restricted to 2 levels per hit). The ATB gauge has been removed and is replaced by Limit Breaks: activated when the character reaches 0% of their HP. Tifa's Somersault and Cloud's Cross Slash (among others) are Special Moves, not Limit Breaks. They are activated by pressing the Triangle button when HP is full or during a battle. The second option isn't available for all characters, whose Limit Breaks must be activated manually. There appears to be no changes to MP during battle. Characters have 3 different kinds of magic spells, which are used only if the character can cast that specific type of magic (e.g., Red cannot use Black Magic). However, each character gets an "empty" point just below his or her name in the display next to the ATB gauge where you can put any magic spell except White Magic. Magic could fill up the entire gauge, but there appear to be no other magic stat upgrades. However, learning spells is still something of a trial-and-error process, as the game only displays what spell you are currently learning and not what spells are available to learn. You can start learning a spell by repeatedly choosing to "Learn" that spell until it appears in your menu next to the item/equipment screen, but once you choose it it disappears forever. On top of that, randomly occurring enemies have variable hit points that randomly change depending on your character's level relative to the enemy's. But even though there is no MP system in place, you can still use magic spells and items during battle to raise your stats and fill the gauge. The RNG (random number generator) and Enemy AI (the computer's behavior when fighting enemies) have been completely overhauled in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Enemies now randomly cast magic when attacked, and they will cast it when you begin attacking or just after each attack. This makes it possible for enemies to cast spells at the same time as you, although this would be very difficult to pull off in a real-world situation. cfa1e77820